Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Salesforce Basics - Auto-Response Rules, Assignment Rules & Escalation Rules

Auto-Response Rules
An auto-response rule is a set of conditions for sending automatic email responses to lead or case submissions based on the record’s attributes. Use auto-response rules to send quick replies to customers to let them know you’ve received their inquiry or issue.

You can create auto-response rules for leads captured through a Web-to-Lead form and for cases submitted through a:
>> Self-Service portal
>> Customer Portal
>> Web-to-Case form
>> Email-to-Case message
>> On-Demand Email-to-Case message

You can create as many response rules as you like based on any attribute of the incoming lead or case, but only one rule for leads and one for cases can be active at a time. The email responses are listed in the Activity History related list of the lead or contact and the Email related list on cases.

Assignment Rules
Create assignment rules to automate your organization’s lead generation and support processes.

>> Lead Assignment Rules—Specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the lead import wizards.

>> Case Assignment Rules—Determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or Lotus Notes.

Typically, your organization will have one rule for each overall purpose—for example, one lead assignment rule for importing and a different lead assignment rule for web-generated leads; or one case assignment rule for standard use and one case assignment rule for holiday use. For each rule type, only one rule can be in effect at any time.

Each rule consists of multiple rule entries that specify exactly how the leads or cases are assigned. For example, your standard case assignment rule may have two entries: cases with “Type equals Gold” are assigned to “Gold Service” queue, and cases with “Type equals Silver” are assigned to “Silver Service” queue.

To create an assignment rule, from Setup, click Customize from the top of any page. Then select Leads or Cases, and click Assignment Rules.

Sample Assignment Rule
The following case assignment rule assigns a case to a specific queue based on the account rating:

Rule Name — Hot Account Assignment

Rule Entries:
Order Criteria Assign To
1        ISPICKVAL(Account.Rating, "Hot") Tier 1 Support Queue
2       OR( ISPICKVAL(Account.Rating, "Warm") ,
               ISPICKVAL(Account.Rating, "Cold") )                Tier 2 Support Queue

To create an error-proof rule, always create the last rule entry with no criteria. This rule entry will catch any leads or cases that the previous rule entries did not assign.

Salesforce processes rules in the following order:
1. Validation rules
2. Assignment rules
3. Auto-response rules
4. Workflow rules (with immediate actions)
5. Escalation rules

Escalation Rules in Cases
Create case escalation rules to escalate cases automatically if they are not resolved within a certain period of time.

Typically, your organization will have one escalation rule that consists of multiple entries which specify exactly how the cases are escalated. For example, your standard case escalation rule could have two entries: cases with Type set to Gold are escalated within two hours, and cases with Type set to Silver are escalated within eight hours.

Each rule defines a condition that determines how cases are processed.

For each escalation action, you can specify the following:

Age Over: Specifies the number of hours after which a case should be escalated if it has not been closed. This time is calculated from the date field set in the Specify how escalation times are set field. No two escalation actions can have the same number in this field.

Assign To: Specifies the user, partner user, or queue to which the case will be assigned if it matches the condition. Users specified here cannot be marked “inactive” and they must have the “Read” permission on cases.
Note: You can't revoke the “Read” permission on leads or cases for users assigned to a rule.
Note that reassigning an escalated case is optional.

Notification Template: Specifies the template to use for the email that is automatically sent to the new owner specified in the Assign To field. If no template is specified, no email will be sent.

Notify this user: Specifies the user to notify when the case is escalated. Notifying another user is optional.

Notify Case Owner: Indicates that the owner of the case is notified when the case is escalated.

Notification Template: Specifies the template to use for the notification email that is automatically sent to the Notify user(s). If you choose a user in the Notify field, you must select a template.

Additional Emails: Specifies additional individuals that you want to notify upon escalation.

Each time you save a case or change the case owner, your escalation rules re-evaluate that case. Once the case matches an escalation rule entry, calculates when the case should be escalated and stops checking other escalation rule entries. For example, if you have two escalation rule entries that specify:

>> Escalate three hours after creation date if Case Reason equals Crash
>> Escalate four hours after creation date if Case Reason equals Bug

A case created with Case Reason of Bug will be scheduled for escalation four hours after it was created. Later, a user changes the case, which causes the escalation rules to re-evaluate the case. If escalation rules find that the Case Reason is now Crash, it schedules the case to be escalated three hours after creation date. If the case was created more than three hours ago, the case is escalated as soon as possible.
Escalation rules are not evaluated when transferring multiple cases at one time from a case list view. Also note that if you use assignment rules to change case ownership, the escalation rules are evaluated before any assignment rules.

When Salesforce triggers a case escalation rule that has time-dependent actions, use the escalation rule queue to view pending actions and cancel them if necessary.
To view pending actions:
1. From Setup, click Monitoring | Case Escalations.
2. Click Search to view all pending actions for any active case escalation rule, or set the filter criteria and click Search to view only the pending actions that match the criteria. The filter options are:
Case to Escalate
The Case Number of the escalated case. The Case Number is a unique, automatically generated number used for identifying the case.
Escalation Rule
The name of the rule used to escalate the case.
Rule Entry
The order in which the rule entry will be processed. A rule entry is a condition that determines how a case escalation rule is processed. Each escalation rule can have a maximum of 3000 rule entries.
Escalation Action
The time criteria specified for the case to escalate as defined in the rule entry.
Ignore Business Hours
Indicates if the Ignore Business Hours checkbox is selected on the rule entry, meaning that the rule entry is in effect at all times and ignores your organization's business hours.
Escalate At
The date and time at which the case will escalate as defined in the rule entry. Dates and times display in the time zone of the user viewing the escalation rule queue.
Added Date
The date and time at which the case was added to the queue. Dates and times display in the time zone of the user viewing the escalation rule queue.
The filter is not case-sensitive.
To cancel pending actions:
1. Select the box next to the pending actions you want to cancel.
2. Click Delete. Salesforce cancels the pending action.

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